source: I thought it might be worth while to start to document Skyway’s point of view regarding enterprise software generation, and the things that we think are important in this space. Our goal is to promote …
MMU,全称Memory Manage Unit, 中文名——存储器管理单元。 许多年以前,当人们还在使用DOS或是更古老的操作系统的时候,计算机的内存还非常小,一般都是以K为单位进行计算,相应的,当时的程序规模也不大,所…
转自: FunctionsBelow is a list of some kernel functions available from the existing literature. As was the case with previous articles, every LaTeX notation for the formulas below are readily ava…
妈的,混蛋 wfopen_s 函数.
打开一个文件用 r 模式. 结果数据怎么和文件不一样的,总是差1, 比如 npData[10] 会指向 [11]去, 可是之前的数据都对,就是某一个数以后都错了, 后来仔细啊一看 0D0D0A read以后把一个0D给吃掉了.
后来一看文档,麻辣隔壁: If t or b is not gi…